
When booking online, we will respond to your booking within 24 hours.

Once your booking has been sent, an automated response will be sent to your e-mail address within 5 minutes to confirm your booking has been received. If you haven’t received a confirmation email, make sure to check your junk mail.

People with anti-spam filters may need to change their settings, or allow access for “” in order to receive the confirmation email.


  • If you are making a booking the day before, please make your booking by phone.
  • When booking online, please place your booking at least 1 week prior to the intended date.
  • You will not be able to fly on a plane for 12 hours after diving.
  • Depending on your medical history, you may not be able to participate in some activities. If unsure, contact us by phone.

[Phone number for bookings/inquiries]
0980-51-8888 (Lines open between 09:00 and 18:00.)

[Fax number for bookings/inquiries]

Booking details
Preferred course:
Preferred time:
Preferred date:
Number of participants:

Adult(male)  Adult(female)

Child(male)  Child(female)

 Customer details 
Mobile number:
Email address:
Participant details:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Name: Age: Height: Weight: Foot size: Vision:

Hotel name:

Previous day:

On the day:  

Reservation name:

Check in date:  Check out date:

Yes  No

No, it’s my first time

Yes, I have gone through X-TRIP before

Additional Information/Requests: